Monthly Paysheet
Keeps easy recording of every month’s pay sheet and transfers data from the employee records to pay sheet to avoid selecting each and every employee every month.Provides all the necessary information required every month.
Calculates IRS, TUC, SSNIT etc…
Together with four different Basic Salary selections, IRS, TUC, SSNIT, LOAN, ADVANCES, maximum of 20 deductions can be set.Out of this 15 deductions can be set as per your requirement.
Monthly payroll system has been designed with wide range of facilities and given a new face! It links with the Daily Attendance records (Time and Attendance Biometric Device) and shows the complete monthly date chart with daily working hours, overtime hours, present days, leave days, CL-SL days etc…
As the system provides now rank wise salary, user can define multi layer of salaries with different ranks within one month salary. The monthly pay also connects with the fines.
For a bigger workforce, direct entry of each allowances and deductions can be made. This helps to process the payroll in a sooner time.
Monthly Attendance Sheet
Zoom System : Extended view system whereby you can view all the details of pay, loans, overtime, leave connected to an employee at one place and also view complete salary paid and attendance.